Baking For Business Podcast

#Ep 87 The Digital Recipe Revolution In Baking

Chef Amanda Schonberg Episode 87

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Looking to get started with digital products and selling your recipes? Today, I invited two guests, Nicole Crispi and Rachel Galano from as we celebrate the opening of our new course, Digital Wealth For Bakers.

In this episode, you’ll learn how digital products can break the chains of traditional baking constraints and open doors to new revenue streams. Hear firsthand accounts of how Nicole’s cookie recipes transformed her business and the pivotal role social media played in her success story. Rachel's experience highlights the importance of community and connection in the digital era, offering valuable insights into how partnerships can elevate your baking venture. Don’t miss this chance to glean actionable tips and gain inspiration from industry experts who've successfully navigated the digital world, empowering bakers to achieve both business success and financial freedom.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, sweet friends, my name is Chef Schaumburg. I started my baking business with a bottle of DeSerono and one Bundt cake pan. Fast forward to today, from news to magazines, speaking on national stages and more. I can truly say that baking has changed my life. So now, as a bakery business coach, I get to help others have the same success. I've helped hundreds of my students across the world in my global membership program six-figure businesses, mainly from home.

Speaker 1:

The Baking for Business podcast is an extension of that, from actionable tips to valuable tools and resources that can impact you as a business owner. I truly believe y'all. We would never have been given a gift if we couldn't profit and prosper from it. So come on, darling. What are you waiting for? Exciting news, baking friends. If you're listening to this podcast, that means that the doors for digital wealth for bakers is open.

Speaker 1:

But before I get into that, let's dive into what is really on your mind. I'm sure you scroll on social media all the time and you see bakers selling their recipes, selling their templates, selling their stickers, selling anything in digital form that has helped them succeed in their baking business to other bakers, and you've probably seen the money that people have generated in this industry from doing so and thought that is crazy. Could I sell my recipes? Are my recipes good enough, and how do I get started with that and who will teach me how Well?

Speaker 1:

I'm so happy to announce to you guys that Digital Wealth for Bakers is now open, and it is an amazing, comprehensive course with four instructors, and today, on the podcast, I actually have two of them here with me to share their stories. Myself, as well as Nicole Crispy and Rachel Galano, are here today to talk to you about why you should definitely start selling digital products, why you can definitely have success in this industry and why we are so passionate about digital products. Digital Wall for Bakers is more than a course. It is a course with community, along with products that are actually in the course that you can start to sell as your own, that you have the rights to, and so we're going to dive into all things digital products today. I'm so excited to chat with these ladies. I'm so excited to have them here and for you to hear their stories on how their lives have been changed with digital products. And so, nicole and Rachel, thanks so much for being here. I'm super excited to chat with you guys.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, I'm so excited to be here. I've been listening for a long time, and so to be a part of it is very exciting.

Speaker 3:

I'm so excited to meet you and be on your podcast. It's really exciting.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And so, Nicole, I'll go ahead and start with you. What was your story? Because I know we have very different stories and messaging, but one thing I am really being on is people being true to whatever has helped them. So what helped you get started in the digital marketing space?

Speaker 2:

What helped me get started was absolutely nothing. Actually, I didn't have anyone to look for. I didn't know that I was entering the digital marketing space. When I was doing so, I was just selling cookies at a farmer's market, but I was in Florida and it was very hot, and to bring my baby to the farmer's market three times a week just wasn't doing it for me and I, you know, I had to take a moment to think about what it was that I wanted, and I had spent a long time building my website, and so I didn't just want to stop selling cookies because I was selling at farmer's markets, and shipping nationwide, because the Florida cottage rules are great. You could do that. However, like I said, it was getting hot. I wanted to stop shipping, but I didn't want to close my website that I worked so hard to build, so I put my recipes on there just as like a placeholder, thinking if anyone at all is interested, it'll at least cover the $30 a month that it costs to have a Shopify. Now Rachel, who's on the podcast, had stumbled across my website and purchased a recipe of mine, and she posted it to a Facebook group that had I don't know, maybe it was 50,000 members at the time and her post went semi-viral in the group. Everyone wanted to know how she made her cookie, where her recipe came from, and she shared my link. And because there was no, she wasn't trying to promote me for her own benefit. She was genuinely sharing something that worked for her and I think that was attractive for the people in the group and it brought some genuine curiosity and my website was flooded.

Speaker 2:

I had no idea where all these sales were coming from and I wasn't set up for it. I didn't know anything about selling a digital product. I didn't know anything about automations, so I was manually typing recipes and sending it to people one by one until my husband said there has to be an easier way. And so, thankfully he's you know a lot more technically advanced than me and was able to figure out. You know the digital download process of people order something and it gets sent to them automatically and from there it took off.

Speaker 2:

My first week we made some a good chunk of money and I thought, okay, there is potential here and I only had to make this recipe one time and people can buy it an infinite amount of times. So I said I wonder if I could repeat history. And I did it again. The next week I came out with a new recipe and I had Rachel promote it in the group and again it took off like wildfire. And so that's where it all began. And I kept doing this week by week. Each week new recipe got people excited and yeah, that's so. That's the beginning. I'll pause there, because I was just talking for a bit.

Speaker 1:

No, that's awesome. So in a sense it actually reminds me of the clothing brand Fashion Nova. So what?

Speaker 1:

you were literally doing at the time was influencer marketing. It's just, it was authentic and you didn't look at it that way, rachel was singing your praises and it was actually bringing more attention to your brand, which is really awesome, because too often in this industry, people assume that every single person is their competition, and so it was a wonderful collaboration that benefited you guys both. And so, rachel, how did you link up and how did you first meet Nicole, and what did your digital product journey look like?

Speaker 3:

So I first met Nicole I'm pretty sure I had just joined that Facebook group that day and I saw a post that Nicole made where it was like please give me 24 hours to send your recipes. And I commented on it and I was like, what recipes? And so she sent me her link and I bought the recipe. I was like brand new to gourmet cookies. I was. I was like a year into my cottage bakery business and I was doing all the things. I was like brand new to gourmet cookies I was. I was like a year into my cottage bakery business and I was doing all the things and I was like trying to find my niche. And so I saw those cookies and I fell in love with them and I made them and posted them. And Nicole's website blew up and she messaged me and was like oh my gosh, like you took great pictures of these cookies. You know, here's another recipe. You know, my gosh, like you took great pictures of these cookies. You know, here's another recipe. You know, try it out, let me know what you think, took pictures of it, posted it again and it just kind of kept going. From there, nicole ended up making her own Facebook group and a program that I signed up for. So it just became my thing to test her recipes out. I was using her recipes in my baking business, um, so I was selling those as my monthly boxes, um, and we just bonded over our love of baking. And you know our Facebook groups. We had a lot of fun creating them and building them and interacting with the members.

Speaker 3:

I believe a few months into knowing Nicole and being an affiliate for her, she was like hey, why don't you do this too? You know, why don't you make recipes and sell them? And I was like, you know, I was kind of doubting myself and she gave me a lot of courage. She's given me courage throughout this whole process. She's been the one to push me to create recipes, to sell them, to make my own Facebook group, how to market, and so she's kind of brought me along and taught me everything. She's definitely my mentor.

Speaker 3:

But at the beginning of the year I kind of felt like I was stuck and like I needed to find my own path. So I closed down my shop and I looked into doing a subscription service. I wanted to think more long haul with my business. I didn't want to just do baking. You know I do cooking recipes and then I've also started a podcast too. So focusing on the baking community is kind of where I've steered my direction a little bit. So it's been fun to kind of try different things over the last couple of years.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I love that there's so many little gems in there. I mean number one kudos to you, nicole, for seeing something in someone and pushing them to do their own thing.

Speaker 1:

That's how I got started Scared as hell, and someone recommended for me to hop on camera, and it was this big person in me, and I was like what, what do you mean? Like me? So I think it's always amazing when other women see something in women especially women and push them to do the exact same thing and encourage them along the way, rachel, what I love about your story, though, is that you said you wanted to find your own path and so you started with subscriptions. Too often people they try to do all the things themselves, so they get the stand store, they open it, they sell the product, but then they don't see the results that they want, and so it was awesome for you to invest in yourself. Like you said, she's your mentor. I think everyone needs one, so awesome for you to invest in yourself. How has having a subscription helped you, per se, to just have that other way of selling your products?

Speaker 3:

It's helped me because I'm a stay-at-home mom of three kids. I have a nine-month-old baby and my oldest is four, so I needed reliable income and having a subscription service is reliable income for me every month. That's the biggest thing that pushed me, business-wise, to start my subscription is because I didn't want to guess how much money I was going to make every month. I didn't feel like I had enough following in what I was doing. At the time I was just doing baked donut recipes at the time. It wasn't enough. You know, I felt like I needed to diversify myself a little bit and rebrand, and that's kind of like the whole point of why I started my subscription was because I wanted to rebrand myself and I wanted to take this digital baking thing a lot more seriously.

Speaker 1:

Nicole, I know so many people listening to this will say, okay, I want to do that and I see you doing it, I see other people doing it, but I'm afraid of selling my recipes. What do you say to people who have that stigma of you? Know, I don't want to give away my recipe my recipe.

Speaker 2:

I hear this all the time and it's really what's holding you back from unlocking a new level of income. Because the way I look at it if I never was giving that's how I see it you take more, or I'm sorry, what's the phrase? Give more than you take. So when I started giving giving giving, giving away my secrets and all of these things I received more after that. When you give away a recipe, you're like blessing someone else, you know, and you just get it back tenfold.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people are worried that when they will give away their recipe, then that person will start selling it, but the thing is we all each have our own little bubble on the internet.

Speaker 2:

My audience is different from yours. We are in the same niche All three of us are in the baking niche online but we all have such different audiences because of the messages that we send and people follow us all for different reasons. So I never worry about losing $3 when I'm making more than that, you know, and so it's just a mindset thing. It's a little bit of a scarcity mindset of oh I'll, I'll lose these couple of recipe sales, but you're not realizing how much more you're making just off of yourself and if people are constantly trying to copy you and they're never going to catch up, you know they're always going to be behind. So I just say just stay in your lane, mind your business and just keep moving, keep it moving. You know, don't worry about the people behind you, because that's what they're always going to be behind. And or you could also see it as a form of flattery.

Speaker 1:

That's so true. But some people will say but uh, I ha, I have a recipe and I made tons of changes to it, but it was inspired by someone else, so I don't know. Can I sell it?

Speaker 2:

Yes, because no one owns the right to a recipe, and that's the truth. You can't trademark, you can't copyright a recipe. No one owns it. Even if you sell it, you don't own it either. If you sell it, you don't own it either. That scares people, but you just have to know that the reward is more than the risk when you're going into this type of thing.

Speaker 2:

Now, food bloggers they copyright their entire blog. That's like kind of their loophole. But that still doesn't mean well, you shouldn't be taking recipes off food blogs and selling them. I'll just say that. But and that's people get confused. You know they thought that those recipes were copyrighted. The recipe itself is not copyrighted, the entire blog is. So yes, you can copyright your recipes.

Speaker 2:

Some people will send out a NDA to sign with the recipes. If you want to do that, that is fine. It's personally not my thing. When people purchase from you, they're doing it because they're a fan of you, they enjoy your story and so they have a respect towards you that they're not just going to go out and give out your recipe and sell it. You know people buy from you for a reason. Also, on the other hand, expect people to share my recipes with at least their friends and family. I think that's completely reasonable. I have cookbooks. I lend them out to my friends and family. So you know, just because you purchase a recipe doesn't mean you have to hold it a secret from like your mom. I've seen people say that, that they won't even let their mom have their recipe. And you know, do whatever you want. But again, the reward outweighs the risk.

Speaker 1:

I think also, some people confuse inspiration and plagiarism. So we're definitely not telling you to just copy word for word verbatim. Just pull off somebody's website, copy it and then put it on your own. You know Canva doc. But most of the time people are inspired by something and that's okay. I think that's what you're saying, that we're. We all get inspired by something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I do want to say I think I did see something where, in order for a recipe to be different, it has to have a 30% of it changed. That's what I read a long time ago. In some articles, 30% of the recipe needs to be updated in order for it to be considered a different recipe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we all change things because we all have different. We have different likes. You know, we can start with a cookie recipe Someone may want it more cakey, someone may want it less, someone may live in an area that's more humid, so they have to adjust. So it's a lot of different things there. But all in all, I think these are just fears that keep people from putting the thing out, from getting started with the thing.

Speaker 2:

Right, that was actually a good point, because some people aren't sure what kind of recipes they can put out, and it's important to note your location. Like you said, with humidity, a lot of people struggle with the altitude, so if you're someone who is in Colorado and you want to put out high altitude recipes, that's very niche. That's something that would do well for a lot of people. So just an idea.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely I love that, or diet recipes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, keto, yeah, sugar friendly, yeah, let me know how that tastes, because I could sure use one. So, aside from now, you've gotten started. You've sold products, and what I love is that because I'm big on bakers having multiple streams of revenue you've really diversified your portfolio because Nicole, you have your recipes, but then you also have affiliate marketing. And Rachel, you have your recipes, but then you also have affiliate marketing. And Rachel, you have your recipes single, but then you also have a subscription. So now you've come to one of my favorite digital products, which is courses. So what made you decide? I heard you guys have a course coming out. You want to tell me anything about it?

Speaker 2:

Well, it might have a little something to do with you asking me if I had a course coming out and I said, no, I'm not making a course, I don't have the time, energy or resources, but kind of what we were saying before, like when other women see something in you.

Speaker 2:

It took me a few weeks where I'm like, okay, she's asking me that because maybe she sees some potential, like I could build a course, and I thought about it more and more and I'm like you know what? There's nothing stopping me from a course and this is something that a lot of people would love to know how to do. As a baker, as a home baker, some people have been struggling to find their customers or just boost their sales in general. So to have another stream of income with a different target audience is life-changing, honestly, just to say it that way, because it changed my life when I added digital products, and there's no reason to keep it a secret, because everyone can benefit from this. There's no such thing as oversaturation in the market when everyone is so different from one another and what they have to offer.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. And one of the things that I saw was, in all honesty and I've never said this, but this was literally my first thought out loud, so you guys are getting the inside scoop. I saw a reel where you said I made a quarter million dollars in two years, and I remember looking at my revenue and I was like, wait a minute, I made very much the same around a quarter million dollars within 24 months. However, you said you made it selling recipes, I made it selling courses, and so what that struck was a light bulb, because I'm like, wait a minute, although courses have their place, they're much more in depth. I'm like you never had to cut on a camera, and so that was what really drew me to you. I was like she never cut on a camera, like we don't have no course, and and it just really struck like, wow, there are so many ways that you can that you can do this, and so that was what really drew me to you. I was like, okay, this is really neat.

Speaker 2:

I think that's what the draw is for a lot of us, because in the baking community no one really wants to show their face and I didn't for the first two years. Yes, I got on my stories on Instagram once in a while because I like to speak to people, but the face of my company isn't my face, it was my cookies, it was the stuffed cookies, it was the videos I took of them. So that's exciting for people to know that all they have to do is just show off what they're already good at, take those like really eye-catching and enticing real videos and that's all you need, because that's all I did for two years. But, of course, now that I want to switch platforms a little bit like go digital and teach people and educate, I am showing my face more. But two years, just cookies and, like you said, it was a quarter million with $3 recipes. So that's low ticket, high volume. Selling a course high ticket, lower volume. So when you have both, that's kind of the secret sauce there.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I truly believe everyone needs multiple products. Low ticket is great, but mid ticket and then something else that's a little bit more a high ticket offer. And by high ticket we don't mean 2000, that type of range Although back in the day that's usually what courses ran for but something that's just a couple hundred dollars, that's more higher in there. And so now, rachel, what made you decide to hop on and do a course as well? Because some people may say well, you're still new, so did a course scare you?

Speaker 3:

So I was doing complete custom orders with my cottage business. That was what I was doing. I was doing birthday cakes, cupcakes, you know, themed treats, and when I started my business I had one child and I had two more. So I was I had no time ever. I was drowning in my custom orders. I was drowning in researching designs and ordering supplies and I was like, how do I still do my passion and make money? So that's what inspired me to go digital.

Speaker 3:

And once I saw that it was actually working and I didn't have to, you know, lose out on sleep or lose out on family time, I could still make money I was like I can teach a bunch of other people to do this too, and you don't have to make millions of dollars, you can. Your goal can be I want to supplement my income that I was making with customs. And that was my biggest goal with this was I want to earn a decent living every month and still be present for my kids and get enough sleep at night, because that's really important. So that was kind of my drive to do this is I want to show other women, and other moms especially, that you know they can still bake and make money doing it.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. You said something so important too that I think people get caught up on because too often they can look at someone like my feed or Nicole's feed, and they may see us talk about money and sales, and me and Nicole were talking. Excuse me, nicole and I were talking about this the other day. There's so many different niches within selling digital products, so it really only does take a couple extra hundred dollars to literally change somebody's life. Like an extra five hundred dollars a month, that's like a light bill, that's a water bill and that's what it is for me.

Speaker 3:

You know, I have very like I guess I'm on the lower end of our group here of you know income right now. But that's one of the reasons I started my subscription is because I'm thinking about it long haul. I'm thinking about where is my subscription going to be in five years, you know, or two years even so, just because you start out and you don't see those thousands of dollars in sales immediately or even in the first six months, it doesn't mean that what you're doing isn't working.

Speaker 1:

So true, so true, and I wish more people would stick with it because it does take time, results do vary with everyone, but, again, a couple hundred dollars a month is life changing. A couple thousand dollars a month is life changing and we all have so many different success stories, like I know. Nicole, you actually did have a student who you encouraged to just get started. Just do the stand store and she generated fourteen thousand dollars in one month.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and that's the thing. It's just, you have nothing to lose by just trying. And that's what I was saying about opening a shop, because a lot of these online platforms that you sell on have free trials, so you might as well just go for it. I mean, granted, it's going to take longer than two weeks, but he was able to see the results in a month. $14,000 in a month. He's like all right, I'm quitting my job, this is it. I'm going all in on digital. So I was so happy that, because I had 200 people comment asking for the link to get their free trial, and she was the only one that went through with it. So that's another thing. You might think, oh, all these people are going to try it. There's no room for me. Look at all these people commenting interested, but you have to remember that not all follow through no-transcript, so keep that in mind.

Speaker 1:

That's absolutely true. I tell people all the time and I just had a post the other day. You know there are people who are half as talented as you, who are doing what you want to do, but they did it. You know, talking about it isn't doing it. I hear people all the time. I have an idea. I've been sitting on it, it's been on my mind, it's been on my spirit, it's on a notebook. I'm like, yeah, it's everywhere, but out into the world, your ass ain't done the work.

Speaker 2:

I call them ask holes, because they ask a million questions and they don't take action. That is not getting you anywhere. Just do it and you will learn along the way. I didn't have a course to teach me two years ago. I didn't have a mentor, I just failed and tried again, and now I'm able to teach people in an expedited way because I tell them what actually works Absolutely, and so now let's get into that expedited way.

Speaker 1:

Digital wealth for bakers I'll say it without sounding cocky is probably going to change the game for a lot of bakers, and here's why because you're not just getting a course. You're getting a course, but you also get community. So as you watch the modules, there's a place for you to ask questions, for you to raise your hand in a safe environment, and again, you get feedback from not just one person, but there are four. So today here we don't have Irenia, but myself. Rachel, nicole and Irenia all contributed to Digital Wealth for Bakers, and Digital Wealth for Bakers is an online course dedicated to helping bakers get started with digital products, but it's different because it's really an all-in-one solution. So each one of us in here has modules inside of Digital Wealth for Bakers. I know mine. I talk about content and Instagram and, of course, creating courses, but there are so many other ways for you to learn, and so, rachel, will you talk about your module and what you're excited about the most for Digital Wealth for Bakers?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So what I'm the most excited for is the fact that all four of us have a different path that we took into digital baking. So what works for one of you will not work for the other. So there is a chance for everyone here to find what works for them and to do something different. So everyone has, you know, the same chance to create a unique and successful digital business.

Speaker 3:

The two modules that I did was affiliate marketing. That's where I started. You know, I started as an affiliate marketer for Nicole for crispy cookies. I made $10,000 in two years as an affiliate for her just by taking pictures of her cookie recipes and posting them and sharing my link. That's an extra $10,000 that can change someone's life, um, and just because it was spread out over two years. Imagine doing that for 10 other companies. So affiliate marketing is super exciting and easy and, most importantly, it is free to start up. Every company does not charge you to sign up for that.

Speaker 3:

The other course that I do, the other module that I do, is for selling on Substack. Substack is where I have my newsletter. It's a newsletter platform that you can set costs for, so it's a tiered subscription service. You have a free option a paid option and you can add a podcast to it. You can split it up into different sections, so I go over how to set up a Substack and how to set up recurring payments. It's all automated so it's super easy to do and I walk you through it step by step. So if you want to get reliable income every month, that's the module that I created, and I'm just super excited to teach other moms and business owners like me how to get away from drowning in custom orders and do something different.

Speaker 1:

I love that. And, nicole, what are some of your modules?

Speaker 2:

on. So my big one is selling on Facebook, because that's my whole story and 99% of my online sales come from a Facebook group which blows a lot of people's mind, and the most important thing to note is that I do not run any ads, so this came just from a community. I have almost 80,000 members in that group now, but it wasn't always that way, and so my module really walks you through how to create a Facebook group that will bring in an audience. You know how to name your group effectively, writing a description with the correct keywords, how to keep your group engaged, because you need that engagement so that your group is healthy and recommended to other people in your niche. I talk about how to create a freebie, which is a product that you give away for free in return of an email address, because it's very important to create an email list. So that's what you own. You don't own your social media, but you own your email list. Not just that, but there's another module just about email marketing, creating effective email campaigns, and the best part is I include 52 already done for you, typed out emails to send to your audience.

Speaker 2:

It's all about being a baker and selling cookie recipes, cake recipes. Whatever you decide to do, it's all there for you. You just have to edit it to your liking. But in the course, if you decide that you want to do this, I want an extra stream of income through baking, but I don't have anything to sell. That's why the course is for you, because we don't give you any excuses. We have done for you products in this course ready for you to sell as your own, and you could also edit them to your liking. You could change the brand colors, the font, whatever you want to do. But it's very diversified where we have e-guides and e-books if you want to sell that about how to email market as a baker, we have guides on how to brand your baking business, and then we have resellable recipes. So there are a lot of different ways that you can succeed from this course.

Speaker 1:

I love that. That's actually one of my favorite parts is the pantry, because I know too often bakers will say, ok, well, I want to take the course, but I still don't feel comfortable. I feel like I don't have anything. And so that pantry portion that you created, like you stated. There are things there. Number one the emails are written. So you have emails once you do decide to take the course Digital Wealth for Bakers that will help you to market yourself. You have recipes that are done that you can get started and add to your shop, and then templates also, so templates and fun things like that. So it's a course, it's a community and it's done for you products.

Speaker 2:

And just to sorry not to interrupt, but you mentioned how you thought this was going to really change things. You know this course and I actually said from the beginning this is going to shake the baking community in a way that no one's ever seen before, because it's no secret or maybe it is that a lot of us in the baking community online have been doing well in the digital space. Now we're sharing all the secrets, and that's why I say it's going to shake the baking community, because it opens everyone's eyes to this stream of income. Oh, I could do this too. Anyone can do this, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Well, I am so happy to have both of you ladies here today just sharing your journey. It's been a blast watching your modules. And when this is aired, digital Wealth for Bakers is already open. So all of our links are in the show notes below. Whomever sent you to this podcast, if you're listening, that is the only one thing I ask is that if you do decide to join us, you only join with the person who sent you to this podcast or the person who you connected with the most, because I do want to be fair, so all of our links are in the show notes below. I do want to be fair, so all of our links are in the show notes below. But before I let you guys go, I do want to play a game of lightning round with you guys. Are you ready? Oh, let's do it All. Right, rachel, I'll go with you first.

Speaker 2:

What is your favorite color?

Speaker 1:

Purple, Nicole, pink Rachel. What is your favorite utensil?

Speaker 3:

my sand mixer my rubber spatula that's a good one.

Speaker 1:

I love to lick the spatula, rachel. What is one dessert you cannot live without? Brownies.

Speaker 2:

I say brownies.

Speaker 3:

I knew we were best friends for a reason.

Speaker 1:

I'll say ice cream, Ice cream. That's a good one. Rachel, who is your celebrity crush? Oh gosh, I can't say this.

Speaker 3:

Does everyone know Vinny from Jersey Shore?

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh. Yeah, Okay, Nicole, who is your celebrity crush? Ryan Reynolds?

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's a good one.

Speaker 1:

Really, I'll take it. Rachel, what is your favorite book?

Speaker 3:

The Encyclopedia for Herbs.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, I don't read I podcast. Hey, listen. My favorite podcast is Chef Sean Burke's podcast Business for Creatures.

Speaker 1:

Very nice, very nice. And if anyone wants to know more information about you, rachel, you have a podcast in your sub stack. I'll add that to the show notes and also aside from the course, so we'll have the link for that in the show notes as well. From the bottom of my heart, you guys, thank you so much for coming on the podcast with me today and discussing digital wealth for bakers, and to both of you, I appreciate recording and doing this course with you guys also. So thanks for letting me share your story and get to learn more about you guys as well.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you for being a part of it. I am so happy to be here. Thank you so much for having us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited how amazing were those success stories I also want to share. There are four contributors to Digital Wealth for Bakers one who you didn't hear from today, but you will in an upcoming podcast episode, and that is Chef Irenia from Learn With Irenia. Whoever sent you to this podcast episode, all I ask is that, if you are ready to dive in and learn from all of us we've all contributed amazing modules from the inside, be it Rachel, irenia, nicole or myself that you only purchase from the person who sent you. So, whoever sent you to this podcast, check the show notes, you can purchase directly from that person and you will see all of us on the inside of Digital Wealth for Bakers.

Speaker 1:

Again, I'm so excited because this is really a all-in-one solution. It really answers the questions that a lot of people had about support. What do I do after I put my recipe out there, after I start the store? How do I get started, how do I get this thing going, how do I see momentum and how do I truly walk in this space as a digital product seller? And that's what Digital Wealth for Bakers is designed for for you to generate online wealth as a baker and for you to have the support, the answers to your questions, the courses, the resources from all of us on the inside. So what are you waiting for? We would love to see you on the inside.

Speaker 1:

Join us at the link in the show note only from the person who sent you to this podcast, and special thanks to Rachel as well as Nicole for both coming on and sharing their success stories, for allowing me to contribute to the course with them, and I am just so excited because on the inside, I see so many bakers, wins and successes we all do and it's amazing to see them have those light bulb moments light up and literally have their life changed. I mean, the economy is cuckoo. We're living in crazy times where people can use extra money, be it for groceries, be it for daycare, be it for whatever, and as someone who's been in a digital product space for over eight years, I would love to see you guys on the inside and have you there. So special thanks to both ladies for recording with me. I hope their stories inspired you. Thank you so much for listening today. Take care and bye for now. Thank you.